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3. Solve side pieces (part 2)

The goal of this section is to complete the solving of the side pieces (which was begun in section 1) without mixing up the already ordered edge pieces.


3.1 Solve side pieces on 2 opposite sides

Applet 3a shows the principle way to order the side pieces:
At first you have to choose 2 opposite sides (for example red and orange) which should be solved. The side pieces get solved by exchanging each 3 side pieces against 3 side pieces of the opposite side with 180° turns at a middle layer. Then a side has to be turned at 90° or 180° that with the next 180° turn at a middle layer 3 other side pieces get exchanged.

At the first 180° turn at a middle layer the edge pieces which has been solved in section 2 get mixed up again. Therefore you have to turn away the 4 mixed up edges to the top or to the bottom before you turn the side which you want to solve. Finally you turn back the edges to its original positions. Thereby you've reached that at the 180° turns always the same 4 edges get mixed up. In most cases it is even possible that the edges get solved with every 2nd 180° turn.

Applet 3a

3.1.1 Solve middle 3-piece-combination

Start - exactly like in section 1 - with solving of the middle 3-piece-combination (consisting of a center and 2 edge side pieces). This should be no problem because there's always only one step necessary (see applet 3b).

Applet 3b

3.1.2 Solve two outer 3-piece-combinations

Now you have to do the most difficult part: In addition to both middle 3-piece-combinations the 2 outer 3-piece-combination (consisting of an edge side piece and 2 corner side pieces) should be also solved. It's difficult in so far as there are too much possibilities how the Cube looks like at the moment to show a suitable solution for every conceivable case. Cause in every case 2 steps would be enough to reach the goal, the chances are pretty well that even those who have difficulties to get the right solution will reach the goal of this section after some coincidental chosen exchanges. Therefore I've preliminary limited the solution to 3 examples (see Applet 3c - 3e). If someone won't reach the goal after trying for a long time please let me now by sending a mail to Markus.Pirzer@rubiks.com. If I will get much mails, I will add a complete overview of all possible cases.

At the following combinations of turns every combination is shown with two applets: The left applet shows the complete procedure, the right one shows the same for a better understanding without the necessary inter steps which follow always the same pattern. You'll find an additional graphical instruction below both applets: At every step the front and back of the Cube is shown. The 3-piece-combinations which have to be exchanged with the next step are edged green and marked with black arrows. In addition a red arrow shows - if necessary - in which direction this side has to be turned by 90° before exchanging. The instruction "180°" instead of an arrow means that this side has to be turned at 180°. At each final graphic the ordered 3-piece-combinations are marked with green margin.

Applet 3c
Applet 3cc
Anleitung 1 Teil 1 Anleitung 1 Teil 2 Anleitung 1 Teil 3
Applet 3d
Applet 3dd
Anleitung 2 Teil 1 Anleitung 2 Teil 2 Anleitung 2 Teil 3
Applet 3e
Applet 3ee
Anleitung 3 Teil 1 Anleitung 3 Teil 2 Anleitung 3 Teil 3

3.1.3 Solve remaining 3-piece-combinations

First get the solved 3-piece-combinations to the same side so that at this side all 3-piece-combinations are ordered. If both outer 3-piece-combinations have the same colour (as shown in applet 3h), only the middle 3-piece-combination needs to be exchanged. Otherwise the Cube looks like in applet 3f or 3g. It is also possible that the Cube looks like in applet 3f after the first 2 steps. In this case only the remaining turns of applet 3f need to be done.

Applet 3f
Applet 3ff
Anleitung 4 Teil 1 Anleitung 4 Teil 2 Anleitung 4 Teil 3
Anleitung 4 Teil 4 Anleitung 4 Teil 5
Applet 3g
Applet 3gg
Anleitung 5 Teil 1 Anleitung 5 Teil 2 Anleitung 5 Teil 3
Applet 3h

3.2 Solve side pieces at the remaining 4 sides

Choose the next 2 opposite sides (in the following called "pair of sides") which you want to solve, e.g. green and blue. Turn the whole Cube so that the already solved sides are placed on top and on bottom to avoid that this sides will get mixed up again. If the edges aren't ordered now, turn it to the suitable place where they will get ordered with the next turn when you solve the next pair of sides. There you have to take care that the 4 edges don't change its relative position to each other. Depending on in which direction you turn one side (clockwise or counterclockwise) the opposite side has to be turned in the corresponding direction.

You can leave out the very last turn when you solve the second pair of sides because this sides will get mixed up when you solve the last pair of sides. Now solve the last pair of sides also without the last turn. In the ideal case the last pair of sides need only one turn to be solved and the 4 edges are also mixed up: In this case one single turn could be enough to complete solving of the sides. If this case only applies to one pair of sides and the other is already solved, simply do a 180° turn on a side which should be solved. Thereby the completely solved pair of sides will reach the desired condition while the unsolved pair of sides doesn't change its condition because for example 3 white side pieces will be exchanged with 3 white side pieces and 3 yellow side pieces will be exchanged with 3 other yellow side pieces. If all 4 edges are completely solved the same procedure has to be done twice (of course this time one side of the other pair of sides has to be turned at 180°). Thereby you reach that the ordered edges will be mixed up while on both pairs of sides each side piece will be exchanged with one in the same colours. Now only each 1 side of every pair of sides has to be turned at 180° (and the necessary inter steps has to be done as explained under point 3.1) and the sides are perfect. Applet 3i shows the described worst case:

Applet 3i
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